Dec. 19, 2021
Rev Jay Olivo and ASL Interpreter Dr Patti Stoudt
What are you waiting for? Part 1 Luke 2:19
1) Some are waiting for Jesus to never come so that everybody would see that this whole Jesus thing, including the Bible, is a lie.
2 Peter 3:3-4, Philippians 2:10-11, 2 Corinthians 4:4
2) Some are waiting to see if it will happen at all, and then they will make a commitment.
James 4:14, Luke 12:13-20, Proverbs 29:1
Three Questions to Consider
1. If there is one thing keeping you from making a commitment to Jesus, what would it be?
2. If there is more than one thing, would you be able to identify them in order of importance?
3. Just in case it’s all real, would you be willing to talk about it, and in the process consider Jesus?